Showing posts with label Christmas plant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas plant. Show all posts

Friday 8 January 2016

Euphorbia pulcherrima (Poinsettia) - Sikkim Flora

Scientific classification

Kingdom:       Plantae
Family:           Euphorbiaceae
Genus:            Euphorbia
Species:           E. pulcherrima

Binomial name: Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex Klotzsch

Other Names:  Poinsettia, Christmas plant, lobster flower and the flame-leaf flower

Lalupate (Nepali)

Special feature:  The colored bracts—which are most often flaming red but can be orange, pale green, cream, pink, white, or marbled—are often mistaken for flower petals because of their groupings and colors, but are actually leaves. (Wikipedia)

Poinsettias received their name in the United States in honor of Joel Roberts Poinsett, who introduced the plant into the country in 1828. Poinsett was a botanist, physician and the first United States Ambassador to Mexico. He sent cuttings of the plant he had discovered in Southern Mexico to his home in Charleston, South Carolina. The word Poinsettia is traditionally capitalized because it is named after a person. December 12th is Poinsettia Day, which marks the death of Joel Roberts Poinsett in 1851. (
